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Sandy Harper/Creator & Coach

Sandy Harper ~ Creator & Gratitude Coach

The Habit That Will Change Your Life…

 “When you become truly aware of your current blessings and are filled with genuine gratitude, your life will change in profound ways!” ~ Sandy Harper

It’s been said that all things begin in the mind. That what you focus on becomes reality. While that fact has been proven over and over, we should take it one step further and make sure everything we focus on begins in the heart. For a heart filled with gratitude will bring forth the thoughts that will lead to a life of joy, peace, and prosperity!

Gratitude Boot Camp is a self-development program that teaches how to make gratitude a daily habit and how to use the 12 Gratitude Habits to create the life of your dreams. By living a life filled with gratitude, you will be able to face challenges without struggle. You will feel a peacefulness and happiness that only comes from being aware of your current blessings and from giving thanks for the good things yet to come. You’ll learn to make decisions from your heart — a heart filled with gratitude.

Sandy Harper is the Creator and Gratitude Coach of Gratitude Boot Camp. It is her mission to inspire and empower people to give gratitude, to grow spiritually, personally, and professionally, and to prosper in every way.

Please join the gratitude community at

And stay tuned for lots of forthcoming gratitude goodies … books, an audio/workbook program, and more!

It’s important to make gratitude a habit because your habits create your life!

Testimonials from Attendees of live Gratitude Boot Camps:

♥ “Sandy – I’ve been achieving great accomplishments within the last week, and I am so sure that it all is coming to me because I am being grateful everyday. I have been monitoring my thoughts and emotions after our first class and results already started happening!  I feel like I see light!  Isn’t it so good?” ~ Daniela Galvao

♥ “I am grateful for gratitude boot camp because it reminds me that it all starts in the Heart. BLESS THE SPIRIT” ~ Dave Kaszubinski

♥ “I have never attended anything so Spirit Filled as GRATITUDE BOOTCAMP!  Thanks for the memories!!”  ~  Keith McBeth

♥”Sandy is a God-sent reminder to “Count my Blessings” with GRATITUDE.  Her insight and positive instruction through Gratitude Boot Camp continues to have a profound affect in my life.  Because of GBC, I will walk through this journey focused on finding Gratitude hidden within the crooks and crevices along life’s path.  And, when I have reached the end of my journey, I will proclaim, ‘Indeed, I have Gratefully lived!’  Thank you Sandy and Gratitude Boot Camp.” ~ Jo Mikel

grat⋅i⋅tude   ~ noun:  the quality or feeling of being grateful or thankful.  Origin:  1400–50; late ME < ML grātitūdin- (s. of grātitūdō) thankfulness, equiv. to grāt(us) pleasing + -i- -i- + -tūdin- -tude  ~ Synonyms:  thanks, thankfulness, appreciation, gratefulness.
